Privacy Policy

Fuutoo87 will define following policies regarding the handling of personal data in services provided on this website.

Article 1 :  Definition of Personal data

1.  “Personal data” cover name, date of birth, address, phone number and all information that enable to identify individuals. 

2. “Historical data and specific data” cover provided services, purchased products, visited web pages and advertisements, searched key words, date of usage, means of usage, usage environment, postal code, gender, occupation, age, IP address, cookie, location, terminal ID and so on. 

Article 2 : Means to acquire personal data.

In this service, users will be asked following data when in registration. 
Name, date of birth, address, phone number, mail address etc.

Article 3 : Duration of keeping personal data.

User’s Personal data will be kept during registration of user.

Article 4 :  Purpose of acquiring and usage of personal data. Purposes are as follows.

1. To update users’ personal data and inspect or collect of personal usage.

2. To provide users with information and products and if required to communicate 

3. To identify users.

4. To request payment for products.

5. To input data easily.

6. To terminate usage of this service for those break the regulation of this service.

7. To respond to inquiries from users.

8. To dispose the relevant matters of the above mentioned purposes.

Article 5 :  Control of personal data

Users’ personal data will be kept in correct and updated.  All personal data will be protected by severe control and security measures.

Article 6 :  Disclosure of personal data

1.  Personal data will be disclosed only when they are requested by owner of the data excluding following cases.

・ Disclosure is liable to harms user’s or third person’s lives, physical property, assets, rights and interests. 

  • Disclosure is liable to hinder our activities to proper services.
  • Disclosure is liable to violate laws or ordinances.

2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, historical data and specific data other than personal data will not be disclosed in principle.

Article 7 :  Providing personal data to the third party

Personal data of users will be controlled properly and not be provided for the third person other than following cases.

(1) Requested based on laws and ordinances.

(2) Requested based on the need to protect people’s lives, physical property and asset only when it is difficult to get data owner’s agreement. 

Article 8 :  Security measures of personal data

The latest security measures will be applied in this service. 

Article 9 : Correction and deletion of personal data

1. Users can request correction or deletion of their personal data when those data provided by this service are wrong or incorrect. 

2. This service will correct or delete those data mentioned above if the service find the necessity to do so after getting request from users. 

Article 10 : Acquiring Cookie

This service uses the function to keep Cookie ( tracing data of user’s access to this service ) in the user’s hardware to get information of user’s access times and pages but not including those information to identify personal identification.  Users can stop Cookie function by setting browser. User can use this service fully after stopping Cookie function with no problem.

Based on the information collected through Cookie, this service will provide users with “Google” and “Yahoo!” advertisement or news supplied by advertisement distributors.  Users can stop Cookie by setting their browser by themselves. Every time when using new terminals, users will be always requested to set browser and Cookie.

Article 11 :  Duration of saved Cookie 

One year from user’s last access to this service site through PC.

Article 12:  Compliance and change of privacy policy

1. Regarding personal data kept in this service, this service will be abide by relevant or applied Japanese laws and ordinances. 

2. Contents of Privacy policy of this service will be changed without notifying usres.

3. Changed or updated privacy policy of this service will come into force when it is appeared in this service site.

Article 13 :  Controller of Personal data

Yasunari Nohsoh
Operater of “Japanese style in the envelope”
PurePureTunes & Co., Ltd.

Article 14 : Contact us 

Inquiry regarding privacy policy and personal data will be accepted following customer service.
PurePureTunes & Co.,Ltd. 
Address 7-7-2-403 Akatsuka Itabashi-ku Tokyo
Mail :