
We selected here in “Fuutoo87” those items that are well represent Japan but small enough to put in the envelope along with our theme of “Japan-taste deliverable by envelop”.   

10 year ago I was looking for kids wears for my daughter in the oversea EC ship where you could see many cute kids wears.  However I found shipping cost was expensive enough as much as the wear price and this made me hesitate and not to buy them.

Although recently big enterprises provide us fairly cheaper shipping fee, it is on the condition of bigger purchase amount. 

So I thought there should be needs who want to buy small amount more easily and with less shipping cost. That is why I opened this site.

All items sold in this site are small enough to be delivered by airmail such as hand towel, chopstick rest, aroma bag, folding fan, tea bag etc.. They are all small or can be fold down to small in size. 

We will increase its variety and numbers of items in many categories.

We do hope you touch the Japanese sense or subtle feeling in the sent envelope from us. 

Fuutoo87 Store Manager
Yasunari Nohsoh